Who we Are

What is Black Seeds Urban Farms?

Black Seeds Urban Farms is a local food movement that has its roots in a desire to grow organic, non-toxic, nutritious foods for Memphians who have little or no access to sustainable foods. Black Seeds is an urban garden located in the heart of Uptown Memphis in the Greenlaw community. The Founders are committed to providing local communities with the opportunity to have access to fresh food that was grown within close proximity. The overall health of a neighborhood is benefited by increasing its capacity to create an environment that truly sustains its residents.

Our Space

Black Seeds Urban Farms is an all-inclusive, splendid Garden that has a commitment to providing an enjoyable and therapeutic outdoor experience for all. The unconventional garden is a place where a person can visit to pick fresh harvest, take a relaxing walk, use it for event space, or even just to simply contemplate. Not only does Black Seeds harvest organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs but the Black Seeds territory was created for all to appreciate and it has the capacity to do whatever you like!  It has a beautiful view of the Memphis Pyramid, cabin access, gathering areas, hanging swings, and hammocks that one could use to relax and take a moment to enjoy the beautiful world that we live in.

Our Founders

Founders, Bobby & Derravia Rich have created a space that not only shapes a new outlook on the food we eat but where it is grown. Their core mission is to collectively bring people together to live a healthier lifestyle and to bring awareness to the importance of redefining purpose through people & the planet we live on.

The Founders of Black Seeds are on a mission to plant seeds literally and figuratively!!!

As a family, Bobby, Derravia, and Khoi are committed to transforming the culture of Memphis and beyond through their work with Black Seeds.

"Black Seeds was created for the love of the community with its root word commune in mind and heart" says Derravia
They believe Black Seeds is a catalyst for change that offers a sustainable solution to the lack of access to healthy food options in under resourced communities. They understand that access to nutritious foods plays an important role in developing healthy citizens.
"People need fresh food and we just want to grow it!" says Bobby
Gardens not only provide fruits and vegetables but, a place that cultivates healing through collective gatherings and collaboration!

Click to learn more about what we do!